It's National Novel Writing Month!
Every year I attempt to get a novel finished for NaNoWriMo and every year I fail. So far this time it's off to a great start. I'm working on Rimrock Book 3 and it's coming along nicely. I can't imagine how many rewrites I'll be doing after it's finished but I'm making great progress.
If you've read Promise of Spring, (Rimrock Book 2) I introduce Clu and Aleena in that book. I always planned a story for them but was struggling. Now it has taken off and taken them in a direction I wasn't expecting. Their adventure begins in Rimrock and a family tragedy sends them to Saint Louis. Clu's father death was no accident and his brother's life is in danger. Orphan Aleena will do whatever she has to do to help save the family she wants to be a part of.
In this book readers that read Promise of Tomorrow, (Rimrock Book 1) will find out what happened to Anya after she was kidnapped along with Shyfawn. Anya will have her own story as well. I have several Rimrock Spinoffs planned. Ha! I'd get more done if my brain focused on one thing at a time.
I hope anyone else participating in NaNoWriMo is getting lots done!
Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!